Bay of Plenty hold their first ever Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals
Sport Bay of Plenty have held their first ever Secondary School Ki o Rahi regional tournament!
Bay of Plenty Ki o Rahi Secondary School Regionals 2019
The need for a tournament has grown out of the demand from Secondary Schools in the area wanting to play Ki o Rahi and qualify for Nationals! Only two teams qualify from the region and schools were really keen to be one of those two!
2019 Bay of Plenty Secondary Schools Ki o Rahi Regionals
The regionals took place on Wednesday 27th February 2019 at Rotorua Girls High School.
2019 Bay of Plenty Secondary Schools Ki o Rahi Regionals
6 teams entered the tournament with Rotorua Boys and Girls the team to beat, having been one of the Top 8 teams from around the country in 2018.
Rotorua Boys and Girls teams actually entered two teams into the tournament, the other schools who entered were Edgecumbe College, Te Wharekura o Mauao, Western Heights High School and Opotiki College.
Te Wharekura o Mauao - BOP Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals 2019
With much more experience than other schools the Rotorua Boys and Girls High School teams played off in the final for first and second, with Opotiki College finishing in third place it meant the top 2 schools from the Bay of Plenty who would head to Secondary Schools Nationals are Opotiki and Rotorua.
Opotiki College - BOP Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals 2019
Congratulations to you both, hope to see you there - if you would like to see the full placings of the tournament then head to the Sport Bay of Plenty website for more details.
Rotorua Boys and Girls High School - BOP Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals 2019