2020 Kahuitara Kī o Rahi
Kahuitara Kī o Rahi 2020
We caught up with Darryl Crawford of Sport Gisborne Tairāwhiti who is helping some Ngati Porou Rangatahi and whanau grow Ki o Rahi on the Coast. On the 28th November 2020 he went along to lend a hand and take a few pics at the Kahuitara Kī o Rahi Competition.
We asked Darryl what the tournament was about, and he was kind enough to give us some insight!
Kahuitara Kī o Rahi 2020
“We're just trying to get the game pumping on the coast and engaging our whanau. We all need to move a bit more and Ki o Rahi is the waka we're using to do that, especially with our adults and whanau.” Kahuitara is the home ground of Hikurangi Sports club and Hone Manuel is leading the charge with Ki o Rahi up there. His mum, Leeanne Morice is hoping to host and engage their whanau in more sports at Kahuitara and has a clear vision for her Jeru’ whanau.
Kahuitara Kī o Rahi 2020
“Our kids played it during their school days ever since Ihi Heke introduced it to us in Uawa in 2008, from there it took off under the guidance and leadership of Whetu Rangihaeata and we hosted the first secondary school nationals here at home.”
Kahuitara Kī o Rahi 2020
”For me it’s about the wellbeing of our whanau, and Ki o Rahi is a game for everyone. We do have some plans and there are a few of us trying to help our younger ones lead this Kaupapa, I’m just here to help out where I can. Once we sit down and figure out more of a strategy and an approach that we think may work for our Nāti whanau then who knows where these young ones can take us.”
Kahuitara Kī o Rahi 2020
“In the meantime, it’s about getting out there and promoting Ki o Rahi in our communities, schools and our marae. It’s a big deal at Pā Wars too”
Kahuitara Kī o Rahi 2020
A couple of weeks later another tournament was held in Tokomaru Akau on the 19th December, this tournament involved 6 teams: Matakaoa, Ruatoria, Tokomaru Akau, Uawa and two teams from Tūrangi! That was a great day and highlighted some exceptional skills from all teams.
From this a number of Ngāti Porou teams travelled all the way across to Tūrangi to tautoko the tournament run by Roera Hartley and his team in the new year! We will check out how that went soon!
If you are reading this and you are hosting any tournaments, workshops or Kī o Rahi events in your area, please get in touch as we’d love to help you spread the love!
A huge thank you to Darryl Crawford for his time and photos!