2023 NZ Area Schools Kī-o-Rahi Tournament

NZ Area Schools Kiorahi Tournament

Nā Roera Hartley

Top Row - Bianca Honey, Sasha Bang, Charlotte Kenny, Mateo Jamieson, Toby Harrex

Middle Row - Tama Roberts, Reina Reweti, Ziah Senior, Morehu Ferris-Bretherton

Bottom Row - Kerah Tauroa Wall, Dani Irihei, Ania Hemmes

Absent - Jordayne Spaander, Clayton Wikaira

On July 3rd - July 6th rangatahi from area schools all over NZ came to Rangiora to compete at the NZ Area Schools Kī-o-rahi Tournament. The 4 zones represented are

  1. Northland (North)

  2. Central North Island (CNI)

  3. Top of the South Island (TOSI)

  4. South of the South Island (SOS)

The results were as follows 

Day 1 

Game 1 - North vs TOSI 

TOSI winners 26-17

Game 2 - CNI vs SOS

CNI winners 37-7

Day 2

Game 1 - North vs SOS

North winners 21-19

Game 2 - CNI vs TOSI

CNI winners 47-16 

Day 3

Game 1 - North vs CNI

CNI winners 39-8

Game 2 - TOSI vs SOS

TOSI winners 22-16


  1. CNI - 3 wins, 0 losses

  2. TOSI - 2 wins, 1 loss

  3. North - 1 win, 2 losses

  4. SOS - 0 wins, 3 losses

Champions for 2023 are CNI Kī-o-Rahi team. 

After the completion of the first 3 days players are then selected to represent the island teams. The best players from North & CNI are selected to represent the North Island while the best players from TOSI & SOS are selected to represent the South Island in a North vs South game on day 4.

Day 4

North Island vs South Island 

North Island winners 28-21

After the completion of this game the NZ Area Schools Kī-o-Rahi team is selected and announced at the prizegiving. 

The players selected to represent the NZAS Kī-o-Rahi team are as follows


Clayton Wikaira - TKKM o Hokianga

Jordayne Spaander - Taipa Area School

Central North Island

Morehu Ferris-Bretherton - Tongariro School

Reina Reweti - Tongariro School

Tama Roberts - Te Kura o Hirangi

Ziah Senior - Te Wharekura o te Kaokaoroa o Patetere

Ania Hemmes - Te Wharekura o te Kaokaoroa o Patetere

Kerah Tauroa Wall - Te Kura o Hirangi

Dani Irihei - Te Koutu

Top of the South Island

Mateo Jamieson - Amuri Area School 

Sasha Bang - Reefton Area School

Bianca Honey - Collingwood Area School

South of the South Island

Toby Harrex - Lawerence Area School

Charlotte Kenny - Lawerence Area School

Another awesome year for the NZAS Kī-o-Rahi tournament giving small schools the opportunity to showcase some of the best young and upcoming talent Aotearoa has to offer. 

Shout out to Roera Hartley who put this article together!

Danny Maera