Upcoming Year 9 & 10 Secondary School Ki o Rahi Tournaments
Waitaki Boys High - Aoraki Boys Winners 2017
Even though the school year is wrapping up and seniors will be heading off to study leave shortly, Ki o Rahi stays strong and the focus looks towards the younger secondary school students - Year 9 & 10s.
These Year Levels will be the future of the school and what way to better prepare them by having their own Ki o Rahi tournament in Term 4.
Below are the tournaments in your region that you need to get a team into, for more information click on the link in your region and/or talk to your sports co-ordinator at school.
Auckland Junior Ki o Rahi Tournament - Wednesday 21st November 2018
Wellington Junior Ki o Rahi Tournament - Wednesday 21st November 2018
Aoraki Junior Ki o Rahi Tournament - Thursday 22nd November 2018
Please like our Facebook Page to keep up to date with all news!