Interview: Whetu Rangihaeata
With the 2018 NZ Secondary Schools Ki o Rahi Nationals only one week away we know the excitement is building and the nerves are starting to kick in, we thought it would be a good idea to catch up with the event co-ordinator, Whetu Rangihaeata.
Whetu has been involved with New Zealand Secondary Schools Ki o Rahi since its inception in 2010.
We decided to pick his brain about the sport of Ki o Rahi. Thank you so much Whetu for agreeing to do the interview, we understand you're extremely busy at this time getting things ready for Nationals. Ngaa mihi e hoa!
"Maa mua ka kite a muri, maa muri ka ora a mua"
"Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead"
Whetu Rangihaeata
Kia ora, no hea koe? Ko wai koe?
Koo Whetu Rangihaeata ahau.
Noo Taranaki, noo Ngati Porou ano hoki.
He kaiako Māori ahau i Te Kura a Rohe o Uawa. Ngākaunuitia te kaupapa ngā taonga tākaro ki au nei. Ēngari rā ko te Ki o Rahi te tino kaupapa. He nui nga painga pera ki hauora, kori tinana, mahi pūrakau, me te tuhono ki ngā momo kaupapa o te marautanga. He nui ake ngā painga ko te taiao anō hoki.
Inaahia koe i timata ai ki te Ki o Rahi?
Nā tētahi tāngata a Ihi Heke i whakatō te kākano ki roto i ahau āhua 2008 pea i te kura. I kite au te painga o tēnei hākinakina mo ngā kura paku pera i a mātou. He kaupapa pai ki aku tauiria na te mea he hākinakina tua atu i te whutupaoro netipaoro ano hoki. He kēmu mō nga tane me ngā wāhine ano hoki. Ahakoa he aha te hanga o te tauira. Ka mahi ka takaro ngātahi te tane me te wahine.
E hia te roa? He aha o tunga?
Ahua 10 years. He kaiako, he tāngata kai-whiriwhiri mo te tima NZ, he tāngata whakarite haerenga mo ngā tima, he tāngata whakarite whakataetae ano hoki.
I pehea te Ki o Rahi Kura Tuarua timata ai?
I puta te whakaaro i waenganui i ngā kaiako o tera kura o tera kura kia whakaturia he whakataetae matua. Nā te ngakaunui o ngā kaiako ka puawai tēnei kaupapa. I kōrero ahau ki etahi o poku hoa ka mahia. Na matou o Uawa i pohiritia ngā manuhiri ko te tau 2010 me 2011.
He aha o moemoeaa mo te whakataetae Ki o Rahi Kura Tuarua?
Kia eke ki tōna ake taumata. Kia haruru te whenua i nga haka, i nga patere, i nga waiata he aha noa atu. Kia puta ki te ao. Kia whakamanahia a tātou tuakiritanga ki te ao. Kia tu whakahihi kia tu maia. A tōna wā pea ka timata te whakataetae mo te taitama tane me te taitama wāhine, ke te un 15 pea. Ka kite tenei kaupapa i te NZ Area Schools ano hoki. Ko etahi tīma i puta NZ Sec Schools , NZ Maori, NZ Area Schools.
He aha o moemoeaa mo te kemu o Ki o Rahi?
Kia whakaurua ki roto i nga marautanga o te kura, kia whakaturia he kōmiti kaiako whakahaere, kia tuari ki te ao kia whai putea ano me kii (professionalism pea). Ma te Ki o Rahi ka puta etahi atu o nga taonga takaro pea.
Please introduce yourself:
Kia ora, my name is Whetu Rangihaeata. I am from Ngati Porou and Taranaki. I am a Maori teacher at Te Kura a Rohe o Uawa. I am passionate about all Nga Taonga Takaro however my main passion is Ki o Rahi.
How did you become involved in Ki o Rahi?
I was introduced to Ki o Rahi by a man named Ihi Heke in 2008. I saw the benefits of the sport especially for small schools like us at Uawa. My students love the sport because it’s another sport for them to engage in other than rugby and netball. It is a game for both male and female to play together, not a gender specific sport.
How long have you been involved with Ki o Rahi and in what roles?
I have been involved in Ki o Rahi for roughly 10 years as a coach, coach and selector for the NZ team, manager and an organiser for competitions.
Whetu with his 2014 NZ Secondary Schools team
How did Secondary Schools Nationals get started?
The thought of a national competition came from a group of teachers from different schools all around the country. It was from their shear passion for Ki o Rahi that this kaupapa was established. I spoke to one of my friends to run this and it was in 2010 and 2011 that we (Uawa) welcomed our visitors for the competition.
What are your dreams and visions for the competition?
My dreams and visions for Ki o Rahi are for it to go to another level again. To incorporate haka, paatere, and waiata into the game for the world to see, also to build self-efficacy within to showcase to the world. In time to come maybe a competition for boys and one for girls, under 15s. Ultimately we want to see Ki o Rahi teams come out of NZ Secondary Schools, NZ Maori, NZ Area Schools.
What are your dreams and visions for the sport of Ki o Rahi?
My dreams and visions for the sport are to see it engrained within the NZ curriculum and to establish a committee that will facilitate Ki o Rahi as an established organisation.