2020 Tai Tokerau Secondary School Ki o Rahi Nationals
Last week if your school was involved in the 2019 Secondary School Ki o Rahi Nationals you would’ve probably been sent an email updating you about some information regarding the 2020 Tai Tokerau Secondary School Ki o Rahi Nationals.
If not, here is that message:
Tena Koutou Katoa,
‘Ko tenei Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori’ He mihi tenei kia koutou ka haere mai ki nga whakataetae Ki-o-Rahi 2020. E ngakau nui ana Te Tai Tokerau ki te manaaki me te tautoko kia koutou I tona wa.
Translated: ‘I want to acknowledge those who will be attending the Ki-o-Rahi Nationals 2020’. ‘Te Tai Tokerau are excited to be hosting you all’.
Taonga Taakaro o Tai Tokerau - 2020 Secondary School Ki o Rahi Nationals organisers
maui – matau (from left to right)
Kawiti Waetford, April Rawiri, Marcia Aperahama, Phoenix Ruka, Leela Hauraki, KC Maaka and Wiremu Sarich. Paulette Montino who was absent is also a part of our Roopu.
I present ‘Taonga Taakaro O Tai Tokerau’ and we alongside of Te Tii Marae will be your hosts for next year’s 2020 Ki-o-Rahi Nat’s.
Other important details to note are:
Tai Tokerau Ki-O-Rahi Nationals 2020
Te Tii Marae, Te Kemara Ave, Waitangi
15th, 16th & 17th April, 2020
The number of teams from your regions to qualify for 2020 Nat’s is three. We came to this number as Ki-o-Rahi has grown in popularity given the 34 teams that turned up to Ngati Kahungunu for this year’s Nat’s. We are also mindful of the manpower, playing grounds and timeliness that goes into coordinating and organising this event. With this said, we will work alongside you all in ensuring the best outcome should there be an opportunity for teams to attend if others are unable to.
We will have a programme out to you all by ‘October’ (next month) consisting of:
· A flyer showcasing Tai Tokerau Nat’s and key groups/organisations involved
· Welcome from Ngati Rahiri Kaumatua
· Daily schedule from Powhiri through to Finals day
· Sites of significance
· Info’ on accommodation
· Ture and Tatu
· Site plan
· Registration
Really nice to get a heads up so early about the Nationals - will help schools to organise accommodation and transport etc.
The main points from this email are the following:
The 2020 Secondary School Ki o Rahi Nationals will take place in Waitangi! (Te Tii Marae)
3 teams per region will qualify (this is to keep the number of schools manageable - think draw, refereeing, fields etc)
More information to be released in October
Thank you Taonga Taakaro o Tai Tokerau and good luck to any and all regions hosting their qualifying events and to all teams in trying to qualify!