2020 Open Ki o Rahi Nationals

Open Ki o Rahi Nationals 2020.PNG

The 2020 Open Ki o Rahi Nationals are here, after 10 years of Secondary School Ki o Rahi Nationals (tihae/rippa) the first ever Ki o Rahi Nationals for adults is here!

This Open Nationals will give us the chance to see ex-players and possibly even current coaches of secondary school nationals taking the field. There has been a need for an adults competition for a while now, so much talent is on show at secondary school nationals and then not a lot after. The tournaments that do happen such as Koroneihana and Iwi of Origin are generally only attended by a few teams from around the country.

There are a number of players that fans of Ki o Rahi Secondary Schools have been dying to see play again, it may also give us the chance to see championship winning players of different years going up against championship winning players of other years. It also allows for strong teams of years gone by to combine - imagine Ritana, Gisborne Boys/Girls, Horouta Wananga and UAWA teams combining. Imagine combining players from the last 10 years of Rakaumanga teams, there are going to be some very strong teams at this Nationals and fans of Ki o Rahi should get along to support.

Ora Kihi, involved with organising secondary school nationals back in 2010 has reached out to whanau around the motu to bring together players and teams with connections to previous Secondary School Tournaments.

Teams who are supposed to be heading along are Counties Manukau, Auckland, Tuwharetoa, Rahui Pokeka, Waikato, Tairawhiti, Wellington, Maniapoto, Rotorua, Tamaki Nui a Rua, Kahungungu.

The tournament is being held on Saturday 8th February 2020 at the Huntly Sports Complex, head along to get your ki o rahi fix.

Danny Maera