2021 NZ Secondary School Kī o Rahi Nationals Draw & Map

Hundreds of excited secondary school students will be on their way to Te Tai Tokerau, they’ll be accompanied by plenty of nervous coaches, managers and parents.

The reason is because the 2021 NZ Secondary School Kī o Rahi Nationals are upon us.

These Nationals are the biggest event on the Kī o Rahi calendar, it is at these Secondary School Nationals that you will see the highest level of Kī o Rahi being played around the world. (Well here and when our adults teams get together)

Tomorrow afternoon, 32 schools from across Aotearoa will gather at Te Tii Marae in Waitangi for the official pōwhiri of the competition. Round robin starts the morning of Thursday 22nd April and finals are played on Friday 23rd April 2021.

Teams will travel far and wide to be there, this year we have teams from Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, East Coast, Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Central North Island, Taranaki, Whanganui, Wellington, and this year we also have 3 teams from the South Island in attendance.

Below is the official programme for the tournament, in case you’re wanting to come and check out games over the weekend.


Games are to be held at the Waitangi National Trust Sports fields on Thursday. Below is a map outlining where these will be.


32 teams have been split across 4 pools, meaning each team will play 7 games on our first day. Check these out below:


Rounds will be played every 25 minutes, see below for the draw (please note this may be subject to changes on the day)

Round 1 and 2.png
Round 3 and 4.png
Round 5 and 6.png
Round 7.png

Lastly, to stay up to date with the tournament, you can check back here, however, your best bet is the Te Tai Tokerau Facebook Page here!

Danny Maera