Results - 2021 Ngāti Kahungunu - Te Matau a Māui Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu
The following commentary was provided by Pene Hati of Nga Taonga Taakaro Te Matau a Maui. Pene has helped to build a strong region of Ki o Rahi in Te Matau a Māui, alongside a number of other people, we thank Pene for her time in providing this insight for the whānau.
The Ngāti Kahungunu-Te Matau a Māui Ki o Rahi Qualifying Tournament was held at Karamu High School, Hastings on Friday 19th February 2021.
Pene says: “Our regional Ki o Rahi has been running for over 10 years now, and the heart of our ki o rahi is whanaungatanga and manaakitanga. New teams that enter feel that vibe and we certainly protect and value that aspect of our ki o rahi. I feel our regional competition is important as it provides another avenue for all to be involved in a kaupapa Māori.”
“Regarding Covid-19, we are lucky enough that Covid hasn't affected our Ki o rahi. Last year we were able to manage social distancing quite well. Teams played in bubbles and fortunately our fields back are right next to the road which enabled whānau to have a front row seat from their cars. This year with our regional competition we were only affected by the Level 2 restrictions once.”
“We have 18 teams in our regional competition. To support our teams representing our rohe, we have adapted our play to the 2021 National Rules. The first round playing this way was interesting for teams and kaiwawao. Teams have to govern themselves, which means players have to know the rules. As a Kaiwawao, I have found that the pressure to make calls is totally off our Refs. The biggest change I have noticed is that teams play the game to play the game. It definitely forces players to be honest and keep a cool head. It is great to see our rangatahi personifying the values from the legend.”
“Three of the four teams that qualified from our rohe, Ngati Kahungunu/Te Matau a Maui, will be going to the National Championship in Waitangi. As the coordinator of Ki o Rahi in our area, it is valuable having a National Ki o Rahi Tournament for our teams to compete in. It gives players a goal to strive for, to represent their Kura at a National Level. So, in saying that I would like to mihi to those visionaries that went ahead and arranged the first National Ki o Rahi Championship, all those years ago.”
Hastings Boys and Girls High School
The following four teams qualified for Nationals:
1. Lindisfarne College & Napier Girls High School
2. Hastings Boys High School and Hastings Girls High School (Akina)
3. Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu
4. Karamu High School
“Ngā mihi Whānau. Look forward to being at the 2021 Ki o Rahi Nationals.”