Do you need Kī o Rahi equipment?
Basic Kī o Rahi Set
We have been running this website since 2016. We started the website to help people who are in love with Kī o Rahi, for people who are new to Kī o Rahi and for people who are still to learn about Kī o Rahi to connect with the beautiful taonga that it is.
Along the way we have had so many people inquire with us about where we can purchase good Kī o Rahi equipment from. Over time we have realised that many of these sets can be expensive and they also do not have everything that you are after.
Over the past year we have been working away to put together some basic equipment, we are still in the early stages however we are pretty happy with the taputapu we have. We are also happy to still let you know where else you can purchase from, the main thing for us is to have you playing Kī o Rahi because it is such an awesome game!
If you would like to check out all our equipment please head to our SHOP which is situated on our navigation bar at the top of our page.
It wouldn’t feel right to be profiting off of a game that is not our own but one that we love so dearly so all proceeds go back into the continued development of Kī o Rahi. Sales help us to travel the country and take photos and video, assist with refereeing or admin, the hope soon is to be able to run workshops to help coaches and referees develop and to run some tournaments.
We are brand new to this type of mahi whānau so if you have any feedback on how we can make better gear, please let us know!