Results - 2020 Auckland Secondary School Junior Kī o Rahi Regionals
McAuley High School and Epsom Girls Grammar School - 2020 Auckland Junior Ki o Rahi Regionals
The Junior Kī o Rahi Secondary School Regionals held in Tāmaki Makaurau drew 16 mixed teams, for the first time an all girls grade made up of 3 teams, created the largest Junior Secondary School Kī o Rahi Regionals in Auckland!
Teams in the mixed grade were made up from Ngā Puna o Waiorea, Westlake Boys/Girls High, Botany Downs College, Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae, Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi, Southern Cross Campus, Hobsonville Point Secondary School, Rutherford College, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Raki Paewhenua and Onewhero Area School.
Teams in the first ever girls grade were Epsom Girls Grammar, St. Dominic’s Catholic School for Girls and McAuley High School.
Huge shout out to all the girls schools plust Onewhero Area School and Hobsonville Point Secondary School as first time entrants to the tournament.
The mixed grade saw Hoani Waititi, Westlake Boys/Girls High, Ngā Tapuwae and Botany Downs top each of their pools before Hoani Waititi and Westlake Boys/Girls made it through to the finals.
Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi came out winners after beating Westlake 20 points to 10 in the final.
In the girls grade Epsom, McAuley and St. Dominic’s played each other twice throughout the day with Epsom Girls coming on top without losing a game all day! Kī o Rahi Tāmaki Makaurau and College Sport look forward to more girls entering in 2021!
Shout out to Ki o Rahi Tamaki Makaurau, College Sport and He Oranga Poutama for the day as well as Botany Downs College for the venue during a school day!