Results - 2020 Murihiku Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals
Verdon College - 2020 Senior Murihiku Ki o Rahi Champs
The 2020 Murihiku Secondary School Ki o Rahi Regionals were held on the 28th July 2020 at ILT Stadium in Invercargill.
2020 saw a slight increase in the number of teams heading along to attend the junior and senior tournament with 11 teams across both grades competing at the tournament.
Schools such as Fiordland College and St Peters College were new entrants and it was awesome to have them along to enjoy the taonga of Kī o Rahi.
The junior grade winners were Gore High School with Te Wharekura o Arowhenua being the runners up.
Gore High School - 2020 Murihiku Junior Champs
The senior grade winners were Verdon College with the runners up being James Hargest College.
A big shout out goes to Te Wharekura o Arowhenua for the set up and most of the refereeing!
Te Wharekura o Arowhenua 2020
The day is always played in good spirits, with students fully engaged! Looking forward to more growth in 2021!